documenting "real life" is one of my many joys. there's photos like this one..full of story and questions...
this is the start of a new exercise i'd like to start... so this is the photo challenge of the week...
The challenge is to post YOUR interpretation of this photo and create or predict the story that led to freezing this frame
hmm....This almost looks like a scene from an improv class or something. Very cool piece...you've got my wheels turning.
Maybe this was a picture taken of a group of people standing in a line to vote and an elderly black man, on his way to cast a vote he never thought he'd make, stumbled en route. The concern from everyone of all races, particularly the person helping to retrieve the gentleman's hat, was a foreshadowing of the change toward compassion that the very election they were all waiting to partake in was signaling....
Or they're dancers
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